Product Description

Radiance face wash – Be kind to your skin it’s got you covered!

100g / 200g

Cleanses the face, removing any excess dirt on the surface of the skin, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and clean!

Pigmentation Remover, Whitening Mist, Turmeric and Neem Lightening Scrub.

Aqua, Emulsifying Wax Nf, Organic Apricot Kernal Oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Avocado Oil, Palm Free Vegetable Glycerine, Coco Glucoside, Palm Stearic Acid, Potassium Oleate, Potassium Cocoate, Palm Kemal, Potassium Citrate, Xanthan Gum, Organic Papaya Fruit Extract, Organic Cranberry, Organic Strawberry Extract, Organic Lemon Extract (Citrus Medica Limonum), Organic Mango Fruit Extract, Potassium Palm Kernerlate, Silk Peptide Protein, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin.

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100g, 200g

Apply a small amount to wet skin & gently massage to promote a healthy glow. This should be done twice daily morning & evening.

3 reviews for Radiance Face Wash


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Reviewed by 03 customer(s)

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    raheela begum

    really nice facewash, please email me when you have a offer going will love to buy a regime. Thank you 👍

    26th November 2020
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    I use it to remove my makeup, it’s so refreshing on the skin

    15th November 2020
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    Love the face wash it really cleanses the dirt on the face

    15th November 2020

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Customer Service

  • Turmeric & Neem Lightening Face Scrub
    It is an herbal preparation which has many benefits. This preparation has anti- ageing properties and protects the skin from harmful UV rays due to its antioxidant properties. It also assists in reducing acne, blemishes, skin redness and skin dryness.

  • Whitening mist – Perfect glowing skin.
    The whitening mist is popular in replenishing lost moisture and reducing redness and dryness of the skin. The Whitening mist also brightens and glows the skin

  • Pigmentation Remover – A exclusive, promising product from our range!
    The pigmentation remover diminishes the appearance of uneven skin tone, melasma, and hyperpigmentation (dark patches on the skin).

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